How ya'll been Flava' Freaks? Yea I noe, its been a year since my last post. Crazy ain't it? But hey, waddaya' noe, NCBL 2011 is gonna start this May, so I thought I might put in some spices in it. A lil' of trade - team rumors thing. Juz to be clear, my intel ain't as high as RPK's & AfiqPG's, so things are based on wat I heard ONLY.

Point on eyes where NCBL's Preseason match, where they beat Phantoms who only came with 8 men 60 - 32 last I saw. But it's still early in da season, so who noes rite?
Division 1 Champions of 2010. Rumors? Indeed. Big time situational as wat I heard, Big Time Budin is coming back home. Plus, Mr. RPK himself is back onda team after proving them wrong tat he can play very well. Wit big stats from 2010 season where he played for Swoosh 2 of course. But hey, he didn't play badly during da preseason match with Cocoro.
Most lineups will be da same, they still hangs on to "twin"-old-timers who can "fly & shoot", Zun & Im. Guards like Mae Punca and Adam Roach is still wit them after ears saying tat Mae might be going back to Conns. Big losses? I dunno, I heard tat their 2 big guys, Sassi da Don and Edika Dragons, yea, u noe it are not wit them this season. Heard tat Sassi wishes to play wit Pegasus, whereas Edika has bigger commitment to go with. P.S ladies - Ustaz Amirul is playing again, cud it be?

Supermen is yet looking strong, but problems wit keeping their players intact for this season. Reason? Simple, heard tat they're not sending Swoosh 2 who was da runner up last season for this season's division 1. Sad ain't it? So far, Swoosh's Golden Gun, Yasier is still playing wit Phoenix. Well, he did play for da preseason match. Big impact? I guez so, they loss to Phantoms last season, proves them much.
Mr. RPK has gone back to Phantoms, Old Man Farid is silent for sure. Currently, heard tat he is listed as a free agent. Who noes. Da rest like Edmund, Aaron and Panje is untraceable. There is a lil' source saying tat Panje wants to quit Swoosh, another traveling time for him huh?
Not much of a rumor heard from this surprising team actually. 2009, they only won 1 match and loosing da rest. 2010, they made it to da 2nd round. Crazy ain't it? Dedicated and hard effort I guez. Anyways, da only thing I heard from this team is tat, their Prime Shooter Shahril is not going to be wit them this season. & probably forever as he has gone back to Sarawak. But their lineups mights change, who knew rite? Wit Manager Man Mizi Triple M is heard tat he quits and is going to rivals Slashers, who noes wat's going on between them.
Botak is out, joining back wit classic teammates from Cocoro, tat's true. Epyn? Well, sumwhere around December last year & this year's month of February, heard tat he was looking for a team. He even once requested to join "a" team can't reveal which one but talks were turned down as both sides went silent. Da rest of lineups, not much of a changes done. Plus plus, Panda Man is playing for Pegasus?
I love when it comes to team problems, haha. Heard tat tis team has problems internally. From players, and management of cuz. At da end of last year, I encounter wit one of them and they mentioned tat da Shocks might not join tis season's NCBL. Wat a waste of talent rite? Well, they were one of da favourites in da 2nd round of last season's NCBL. Hope tat they might be joining again tis season.
Ajim is out, but who's in? Well, heard tat UBSA's Panda is joining them for tis season. And will Sassi truly join Pegasus? Could be. As I heard tat da team is rebuilding again and heard tat Big Jon Stud was waived by team captain and agreed by da team owner themselves. Plus, no news from Katik himself, he cud be traveling to another team againtis season.
Most of da team around have heard this, "Snipers is rebuilding and upgrading". I ain't sure of it myself. Wat I heard is tat, they waived big guy D-Nie and few players were not able for tis season such as Nazim Spoiler and Kamal but bringing in additional players like Hafiz and Ikram from Flames, Ted from Titans and Anip from Quakes to be replaced. Lucky for them, old timer Zharip didn't go back to Cocoro huh? Whether da lineup is true or not, I haven't seen them, but heard only. P.S - Flava' told ya'll already, i'm a shadow, I dun play but I do watch NCBL.
Da other day, a rumor saying tat their big guy, Lanky Ayie is leaving Titans for another team. Tat was fully declined by da player himself. But another weird rumor is tat, some say Panje is playing for da Titans. Wat da heck?
Da only newcomer for tis season's NCBL? Hope not. I hope tat there will be more than juz them. Remember Mr. Samurai from Snipers? Yerp, he's being waived and now he's carrying a team on his own. A bunch of streetballerz from section 12 Shah Alam wit no basics and tactics. Only full of lucky shots and aggressiveness, & I mean really aggressive. I've seen them played once during da frenly match between them and da Sniperians, & da Sniperians goes home wit bruisers. Damn kids.
So far, nothing changes much for da Flaming Birds wit Yasier is still around. Jeans Boy Fendi is hanging wit them so as Mr. KL Ghazi. All I heard was tat Mahatma Gun-D will not be able for tis season's competition. Why? I dunno, some say he' gone home to Johor.
Pity, another team-victim of most probably not going to join tis season's tournament due to their players. Which, few have been busy working and few are married.
Well, so far, tat's da only news flying around Flava's ears. Not all team are close enough for me to be eaves dropping so bare wit it ayte. But when stories fly, i'll be damn sure to be spreading it out for ya'll. Til' then, Word Up, & stay awesome people!!
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