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Sori 4 da long silence,i've been bz lately.But now since i'm back 4 a short term,i jz wanna introduce 2 u generous and humble readers about my small family in my badge,da mighty Coccyxians.Ya'll read already bout lil' of ourselves,now its about lil' of those who r very close 2 me.First its my 2 lil' half sisters.1 whom we called her as 'Adek',tat's my 1st sister,then there's da naughty 1,i called her Lil' One,but popular known as Mayang.

Second is my mandate who i promised her mum 2 tke gud care of her.She's my lady (in da old days da Knights respects their Lady) or we called her as Ella.Ella has a boy already ppl.So dun even think about it.Her boy's name is Anip,high leader of da L.O.W clan,hahahaha.Ya'll noe it sumday. "He's a gud fren of mine and a very gud person too..boooo...lets pray for A&E's happiness ya.."<----tis is wat he types it in,hahaha.
Then comes me frenz,1st goes 2 my close buddy Nikki.She's a very tough girl,at times crazy & wacky,but tat's who we r rite?Hahaha.
& next appears da crazy black guy Choned,yea sure he had rough times & works crazily day in & nite out,but tat's who he is.A guy who wants da job 2 b perfect,& tat's gud.
In sum1's lyfe,there's always da partner,& s 4 Adek,she found her new 1,Yus a.k.a El Nino (da old name we used 2 label him).He ain't tat bad,except tat he's a bit shy at times,& crazy da most,or wit his emo's,but hell,he now smiles a lot til' his girl called him a Jaws???wat da heck is tat?
Up comes my rummates & ex-rummates.Da smartest 1 is Shahril,dun mess wit him,his a DL candidate wit a sleepy attitude,ahaha.But no kidd,4.00 4 his GPA,who can kick it?Damn his brain is 24/7 working.Then there's my other rummate,self-proclaimed "coordinator",Zahar,or easy call as Cikgu Din.A killer,not a murderer,but a killer in takraw.Dun judge da tummy or he'll really kill ya',ahahaha.There's my neighbours,a smart-English talkin guy but Anip,wat was tat,owh yea,PENDING!!!! Hahahhaa.& they ave a pet,short & dark,has tis wide smile & evil laugh,whom we call Kecong.Mess wit him,& tis lil' Tasmanian Devil wil scrum u into half.Then there's Pida,slow like a sloth,not gud in da game of PES,hahaha,4 real,he sux at it.But he's cool.
Da previous rummates was Anam,Seth,Wafiy & Ujang.These guys r very quiet,& they dun usually do anything crazy like how we did.More 2 like,a down-low-profile-type,hahahaha.
Da others who knew me are da likes of Tika (da blur like 1),Ika (who had da same birth date as I do,awkward),In,Raj,Muz,B,Nwar,Aney,Kuya,Mawi,Kijang & Along.These people whom I noe & really close 2 me r da bes!!
I noe ya'll are wondering "where da heck is their pictures" rite?But hey,too many of them,if i cud tel about da whole boyz & girlz in tis hood,ya'll be makin maps on ur pillow already.Soon,very soon there will b,in da mean time,tis is wat i cud do 2 show some luv 2 ma mates.
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