Well,here I am.Back again on da blog after a year missing in action due to certain circumstances which i 4got my blog's log in password tat i cud not avoid.Anyways,I promised a 3-years-life-story,so here is where it all begins.We 1st came in to Arau not knowing each other or like heck-who-cares at all.But tanx to a certain activity tat da campus made 4 da students,we were able to tag along.Well,a few of us actually.Only 4 of us participate da event,cuz it was a Karaoke competition.
Raja,who sang Dato' Siti's song,i cudn't remember da song title but it was fabulous & she was da champ of da day,haha.
Ida sang da song Biarlah Rahsia,& sing her heart out or shud i say throat out but it was nice.Da other two major low riders were myself first nite superstar & Wahab da freaking mandiblelator which we sang a duet why did i? of Ronan Keating's When U Say Nothing At All.

Anyways,it was a 1 day event,til' tat nite,we coccyxians conquer da whole of da Mushroom not shrooms,it's a lepakking place.Later on,mayb a few days after or a week after,i juz can't remember da date,but anyways,i manage to pull of a gathering among ourselves at Kangar's Pizza Hut.

& there it was,where we got closed to each other & got to noe each other more.From here,is where da fun REALLY begins.
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