Wat's smokin' people?I bet most of u watched the Milan vs. Madrid game early tis morning rite?Say it was around 3:40 am rite?Yea,I watched it too.& I thought that I would love to give my own opinion about the game.Not that i'm a total football fanatic or a football fan,but it was just too many things to say about the game itself.
Well,it all started when I took da control & change da channel from a boring old school movie and press 812,& there it was,rite on time,ESPN live with Champions League match between da 9th time Euro champs vs. 7th time Euro winners.I'm not gonna whine all da way on why didn't they score more or how did they scored da goals,but i'm jz gonna give away my thoughts tat mayb sum of u might agree wit me.
Ok,Benzema's goal was kinda flashy & thanks to Kaka' actually for kicking the ball towards & directly to Dida,& again,Dida fumbles da ball,I mean,he didn't push da ball hard enough & actually give it to Benzema to break da deadlock.From that point,i've realized sumthing,wat was Kaka' thinking?
U see,Kaka' was actually trying to score against his old club over & over again wat was he thinking??? but eventually he didn't try hard enough.But i'm sure,from da first meeting,Kaka' didn't really have da intension on to score against Milan cuz in da newspaper,he said that he didn't want to score against Milan but if he ONLY has da opening,then tat will be a different story.But then,God he kicks & kicks & keeps on kicking like Dida was a high school goalkeeper.
Then there was Pato,now I noe why Milan decided to sell Gilardino,he likes to dive like da field was a bloody swimming pool I guez because he wasn't gud enough at Milan.But Pato?naaa~h,he wasn't a striker material as well.Mayb cuz he is stil young,but heck,I realized that he & Gilardino have 2 things in common,they both are fragile easy to fall like imbalance retards and they love to act let's say,DIVING.
I watched the entire minutes,& Pato was on da ground most of the time.Wat da heck?Yea he scored da equalising & winning goal during their first meeting but da 2nd?He barely kicked da ball towards da goal.All he did was whine & complaint to da ref while he was on da grass sitting like there's no 2moro.
Now here is da best part.The referee himself.Well,bsides than being fat on da front & da tired looks,he was also plain blind & stupid I guez.U see,i may not be a referee,or a specialist in deciding when to call a foul,nor i'm not a football player,but from what I've watched from da game,it was totally like a game of American Football,not those football which they use to kick the ball.But the players were all ramming & banging each other like wat we malays like to call main bola kampung as if the ref isn't there.But true,da ref was blind.First,i've noticed from da 1st half,Kaka' was running 4 da ball,& Oddo was rite behind him,shoving Kaka' with his elbow & a slight push,but da ref waves play on,wat da heck?It was a clear foul from da ref's angle & point of view.
There was more,da controversial penalty which Ronaldinho scored.C'mon,Pepe was going 4 da ball,& i wasn't really sure who tried 4 da cross,was it Zambrotta or Ambrosini,heck,who cares,but eventually da ball that da Milan player crossed hit Pepe's arm.Now,I wasn't sure tat it was unintentional handball or not,but 2 me,he slide tackles & of course,it's a moving motion where u slide & ur hand sticks out.So,shud it be a penalty or not,u decide,but 4 me,da ref made a horrible call.
Then again,there was stil Pato,seeking a foul call from da referee which da referee ignores serves Pato right actually,crybaby or mayb he was stil blind or plain stupid,again.That part,i wudn't want to comment much.
Last but not least,da camera man.Poor guy,imagine us watching da tv screen & keeps on goin left right left right,can't believe how did da camera man do it,he must be like "guys,stop playing so fast la,penat la need 2 chase ur movement like this",hahaha.
Anyways,watever u guys think is possible,do leave a comment ayte,bsides,i'm just an ordinary blogger,haha.
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