Word Up Flava's truly?Remember tat 2 or 3 months back I got me a summon ordering me to court?Heck,things were a lil' easier but stupider to me.Da story goes like this.
I woke up early at 7.30 am considering da time is early for I used to wake up at da usual 11 am or 12 pm during my free days,getting ready,all dressed up for da court session.By 8 i'm on my way there.Well,view da picture above to know where will I be in da next hour.
After all da hustling & bustling through da highway freeway,low way,midway,anyway,I started to realize tat i've been to this wicked place more than once.Da route is where I used to come over or send my lil' sis Phacat back when she used to stay over in Duta area.Anyways,once I arrived there,as usual,search for a parking lot is always a priority.
I got there & was amazed by da surroundings.Not juz tat da parking lot has a lot of "pak guards" there,but they ave additional extra members too.Wild dogs.Lazying around like there's no other business to do.Anyways,I lead myself to da main door of da complex.
Once i'm in,again,I was amazed.I thought to myself,"so this is how lawyers look like".Noe why?It's like they're attending funerals instead of court sessions.They were all wearing black minus some who are literally black from head to toe.Da inside of da building was beautiful no doubt about it.But still,too much lights.Now I guez I noe where do all our electricity bills cash went to.
After a while,I asked on how to go to my court room.Well,da first mak guard gave me da direction.So I went for it.Almost circling around da building,I still couldn't find da court room.So I asked da first office,they mentioned it is at da back.Ok,after walking a while,still no sign of it.Then I asked da 2nd pak guard,he too said it's juz "there" by pointing at da unknown direction.
My mud wasn't so gud,& my temper had rise bit by bit.I'm not sure myself whether I'm excited to see da court room itself or angry with all da walking I made.I mean,first timers rite?I was like,"Does da court room look like those in da movies?" or sumthin' like it.Anyways,after almost a 20 minutes walk,I made it to da court room entrance juz in time.9 am sharp as on my watch.
I registered myself,and a sword juz stabbed my head juz like tat when da lady officer mentioned to me tat my summon hasn't been key in yet.Heart broken?A lil',as I couldn't get into da court room and witness da environment wit my two lil' eyes myself.But da lady officer told me tat it's better for me to go to da "Balai" rather than entering da court itself.
"Are you plain stupid?" Tat's wat I wanted to say at first,but not literally,it's juz a thought.So I asked why.Then she said tat if I go on wit da procedure,da minimum fine I'll receive would be RM1000.Yea,u got tat rite.1k,no kidding.If I proceed to da "Balai" I would juz receive a maximum fine of 300 bucks.Tat's a lil' relief to hear,but still,goin' to da Duta Court Complex and have to head back towards da "Balai" is a different path.& further distance for sure.
So there I go,& again,I realized tat da "Balai" was juz nearby da area of MABA home of da KL Dragons and Petaling Street da heck is wrong wit da officers these days.Anyways,nuthin' interesting there.I went in,check myself in,registered my summon ticket,line up for da payment,& finally settled.
Da point is tis,has our officers loss their mind and work ethics?They need cash for sure,as our government are begging for da people's money regardless tax or summon or anything as they couldn't even sum up their finance to pay their own bonuses.But still,da system are all on a downfall.More quantity,but lack of quality.
I'm here stating tat our officers are mostly corrupted.They couldn't even solve a simple crime case.Not like those officers in London.Why would I say this,do read this article in da link I've given here http://www.facebook.com/Cicak#!/note.php?note_id=432073840741&id=586500176&ref=mf and ask yourself,"Are we safe enough to live wit officers like these?"Til' then,Stay Awesome!! I change da ending phrase from Word Up to Stay Awesome for your info.
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