Yes Flava' fans,i'm back.A month of disappearance,& finally I got sum time off this week.& i'm gonna enjoy tis.Ayte,before we go further,I'd like to ask ya'll,who likes legging?No,not legs,legging.U noe,those type-like-tights tat gals are wearing.And who loves boxers?No,not those pro athletes,but shorts-type-underwear tat guys wear during in bed.
Da feeds are like this,nowadays,da legging trends are back.Like they said,"it's da 70's".Yea rite,mind ya'll tat we're now in 2010,& in a few months,we're heading towards 2011 already.New style,new era.Anyways,my point is this.Ya' see,gals love to show their arses out in da public.But whenever they see boys in their boxers in a particular area say erm,college,they'll like,"dude,dun u ave any pants to wear?",da heck?
Pretty much of a saying ain't it?Here's wat I thought for wat's it worth.
Ladies in legging :-
1) Ya'll are like wearing panties in da public.
2) If ya'll got gud body shapes or hot legs,fine by me if ya'll got da shape of an oak tree,better check again.
3) Is legging to cheap to buy?Or ladies' wear nowadays are too expensive for ya'?
4) FYI boyz who let their girls wear these legging stuff,dun be an idiot.Ur like selling a whore on da street letting other people starring at ur gal.Ur not gonna be Tom Cruise by juz letting other people stare at ur gal's butt.
Well,I dun ave much thoughts on guys in boxers,cuz most of them only wear it during da sleeping hours,or juz by staying at home.But for once,I did see boyz using boxers and go out to da football field and go-soccer.Same ideas to ya'll,dun be an idiot.U wanna let ur ding-dong be free for some fresh air?Do sumthin' else like soak ur stick in ice.
Well,i'm not sayin' tat i'm right,& definitely those who wears legging or boxers for public outings are wrong.I mean,c'mon,we're not Euros,or Americans,da nations are different ayte.Get da point?It's juz from my perspective,no offence anyways.
I'm not saying tat wearing leggings or boxers are wrong,I mean,sum pro athletes wore them in games.Like Wade and AI.They wore tights or leggings sum of u idiots might recall during their matches most of the time.And like KG,he once wore a boxer during his spell at Timberwolves.
Final words,nuthin' big.It ain't a big deal,but juz keep in thought.For ya'll ladies,dun hate da guys who wears boxers out in da public,& vise versa to ya'll fellas,dun hate da gals who wears legging out in da public too.Cuz to me,all of u are equally certified as "supernoobs".End of saying,Word Up!!!
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