After watching Avatar 2 times,I'd stil dare to say tat Avatar is December's best movie ever created yet.Previously it was LOTR (Lord of the rings),but LOTR was like all war & mystical creatures from different places where as Avatar was like,a tribe vs. greedy humans more like some big nation tries to dug out some small nation's special item? from Earth tat comes to Pandora.
Anyways,i'm not gonna babel about da storyline of Avatar itself 4 i'm sure tat most of u watched it many times already by now.I'm just gonna make a review of myself out of it.
Well,here goes,1st,da storyline was perfect.I like it da way they make a true live avatar.I mean,people alwez talks about Yahoo avatars,or some other virtual avatars from different websites & games.But tis,it's remarkable!!! An avatar from Pandora itself.A Na'vi.Tall blue people or like cats i shud say da way they hisses wit tails & awesome tatoos on their bodies.They're like da tall version of da Smurfs.From a tribe,2 humans getting da tiny rock tat's worth $20 million 4 a kilo?Da war,& da ending,it's all perfect.10/10 from me.
Secondly,da graphics.Well,4 a highly cost movie tat involves CGIs,it was fantastic.Especially in 3D.Da way they created da lands,da grass,even those huge animals like da dogs & da rhino-type thing.Not 2 mention da movements of those armored suits & those Ikrans in da air,God,it's like they suck u into da movie as well.Not 2 mention those gigantic trees & da floating mountains,it was nicely arranged & it was astonishing & my knees were shaken due 2 my phobia heights too.10/10 again from me.
3rd,da characters were superb.I mean,they've got a mean Colonel & a leader who doesn't even noe how 2 control da operating-land-map-device thing.They've got Jake,though he is a disabled person but strong in heart & stronger wit his Avatar well,his brother's actually by all means.They've got scientists,hired mercenaries & Na'vi people cats.They even ave da racing babe from Fast & Furious too,she's hot woo-hoo!!! But there was something like missing 4 me,they mentioned bout other clans,even Jake said tat he had 15 clans wit him.But they only stated there was only da Ikran clan & da horse clan.Wat happen 2 da other 13 clans?It wud b more interesting even if they manage 2 do some short stories about da other clans.So,tat wud b a 8/10 from me.
Next wud b about da war sequence.Well,2 b honest,it was a lil' unfair at first due 2 da high tech weapons used by da soldiers vs. bow & arrows by da Na'vi people,it's like,ur playing basketball wit 5 short dwarfs against 5 Yao Mings but then again,cool back ups by Eywa 4 sending those animals 2 da front line,yea!!! Anyways,da war was cool,air strikes & land blow outs.But still,it'd b fantastic if James Cameron cud add a sea battle as well.U noe,add up some more Pandora creatures 4 da attraction.But stil,9/10 4 da war scenes.Rodriguez can maneuver a speed up car but fails on da helis,2 bad she died,huhu.
Lastly from me,is da ending.It's gud 2 c tat da gud prevails & da bad perish.After da unfair fights & da love scenes plus Tudry's & Tsu'tey's death by Jake & Neytiri didn't c tat coming though,it was all avatar-ish romantic endings where finally Neytiri met Jake face to face ironic words huh? when he nearly died.& seeing tat Jake wants 2 b wit da Omaticaya people,he lives in his blue-boy body at last.Sweet ain't it?10/10 from me.
Well,there u go,overall review?5 Star science fiction movie.It's perfect,it's dreamable & it's jz about 2 life's apart.So,every1 must see tis beautiful show Ha,frapo zene tse'a fi'u lor wintxu.Tat's all from me,peace & Eywa ngahu.
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