13th December 2009, KL Dragons once again met da Thailand Tigers 4 their 3rd meeting.Each team had won 1 a piece,& it was a-must-win game 4 da Dragons if they 1 a shot at da playoffs round.Well,i was there,watching wit full excitement,& yea,da hype is totally different from watching on screen.
Da match started out wit ma man JB won da jump ball.Guganeswaran made 1st 2 lay-up attempts but was given da "NOT IN MY HOUSE" block shot but 2 bad 4 da Tigers,they were in our house tat evening.Guganeswaran or popular by da name Abi by most of his buddy,stirred da Dragons by making his 1st 3pt shot & hits it down town.Tat wasn't jz it,every Dragon's players were heat up.JB wasn't at his best tat time,so coach Goh switch him up wit Li Wei.At first,Tigers' no.1 center Shaq Jr. was dominating da board by banging in & scores an easy bucket.But Li Wei cursed him wit 2 instant fouls which frustrated Tiger Shaq he was like screaming NO & crying 4 heaven's sake & was substitute by another Tigers center who looks like da mafia boss in Bangkok Dangerous which is smaller & not so furious.
1st quarter ends wit a thrill where da Tigers trailed da Dragons by 2 points if i'm not mistaken.2nd quarter commence,& tis is where da hype begins.Dragons' Black Machete Chris Kuete shows off his true play style.He shoots from down town,he penetrates da board,slipping thru 2-3 Tigers' players.He made himself out of da winning game wit 20 points at least,wit 10 rebounds & above,tat's a double-double 4 a Machete.
But he didn't do it alone,JB conquers da board most of da time it's like he grabbed 13 mayb 15 rebounds & bangs in whenever da Bangkok Dangerous Mafia was in da game.Abi did 1 awesome behind da back pass 2 his team mate,but 2 bad 4 da guy 4 his shot was nuthin' but air.
4 da Tigers,da only player who made his mark was The Pornstar where he made more than 12 free throws,& was 100% from da line although byk bola panjat & it's hard 4 sum1 2 do tat even though was distracted by fans around da courtside.Dragons' left handling point guard,Speedy Rudy played 4 a few minutes only due 2 his injury as was told by himself after da game.2 bad,cz we were waiting 4 Rudy's slip & slide performance again.
Da best part of watching basketball game is tat,after da game,it was picture time!!! Though i didn't took pictures wit da KL Dragons players,but i manage 2 pull off 1 wit Ian from Hitz.FM,& according 2 Ian,JJ got back earlier 2 watch Man U's game tat nite,hampeh.
4 more game info go to www.pemainbolakeranjang.blogspot.com.

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